Water Test Kits
Unitor's Cooling Water Treatment Programme

Product no: 661 555466
The tests recommended to maintain cooling water within the prescribed limits when using Dieselguard NB/Rocor NB Liquid are as follows:
Nitrite - Recommended Limits 1000-2400 ppm as NO2
The nitrite concentration should be maintained within the above recommended limits to effectively inhibit any corrosive or scaling action within a closed cooling system. Too high a concentration should be avoided to minimize the cost to maintain the system. Insufficient dosage can set up a condition where accelerated corrosion can occur in areas which become unprotected. Dieselguard NB/Rocor NB Liquid is dosed according to the nitrite level recommended.

pH - Recommended Limits 8.3-10
The effectiveness of a corrosion inhibitor is restricted to within a certain pH range. Treatment with Dieselguard NB/Rocor NB Liquid ensures that this pH range is observed when the nitrite level is sufficiently maintained to prevent corrosion. Under certain conditions, because of external contamination, the pH may not fall into the range usually found with the correct nitrite dosage. In such cases, Unitor recommends dosing 50 ml of Unitor's Alkalinity Control per ton of cooling water to raise the pH value when the pH is below 8.3. Re-test pH after dosage to assure pH value is being maintained between 8.3-10.0.

Chlorides - Recommended limit max. 50 ppm
The chloride value of the cooling water should be kept as low as possible, any increase in value whether sudden or gradual, will be an indication of sea water contamination. Check with engine manufacturer for other specified limits. If the chloride level exceeds 50 ppm, the possibility of corrosion in the system increases because chlorides have a negative effect on the passivation film created by nitrites. Therefore, until corrective action has succeeded in bringing the chloride level back down below 50 ppm, the nitrite level should be kept close to the upper limit (2400 ppm).

Sampling of diesel engines
Accessible sampling cocks should exist on all cooling systems for each diesel engine. This including, but not limited to, main jacket water, piston cooling, fuel oil valve, auxiliary engines, low temperature systems, etc. A representative sample, must be taken from each cooling water system to be tested. To minimize the effort in obtaining cooling water samples, a sample cock located in a position to draw a sample/having access to draw the sample quickly and easily, will make the task of drawing samples simple. In each case of drawing a sample, the container should be filled with the water to be tested, sealed and labelled. It is advisable to conduct the appropriate tests within 30 minutes of drawing the sample, although this time limit can be extended when the sample container is completely filled and sealed.

Test results - cooling water treatment
A. Recording - Always use Unitor's Rapid Response log forms to record all readings and to keep track of all results.
1. Log form - Cooling Water Treatment Log, No. 309.
2. Frequency - Samples should be drawn, tested and results logged for each system a minimum of once per week and if possible six times per month.

B. Reporting - The completed log sheet for the month should be distributed as shown at the bottom of the form, at the end of each month:
1. Blue copy - to Unitor's Rapid Response Centre in Norway (address labels at back of log pad)
2. Beige copy - Vessel owner
3. Lilac copy - to be kept onboard

C. Evaluation
1. Logs will be reviewed at the Unitor Rapid Response Centre for adherence to recommended specifications, by Unitor's Rapid Response staff.
2. A report letter indicating the status of the ship's system, any problems and relevant recommendations will be issued to the ship's operator.
Cooling Water Test Kit

Cooling Water Treatment NITRITE, CHLORIDE & pH  
Product no: 661 555466

Nitrite test
1. Take a 5 ml water sample with the syringe and put into the container provided.
2. Make the sample up to 50 ml using distilled water.
3. Add two nitrite No. 1 tablets and shake to disintegrate (or crush with the rod provided). Sample will be white.
4. Add one nitrite No. 2 tablet and shake to disintegrate.
5. Continue adding the nitrite No. 2 tablets, one at a time, until a pink colour persists for at least one minute.

NITRITE (ppm) = number of No. 2 tablets x 180
For example:
If 9 tablets are used, nitrite = 9 x 180 = 1620 ppm.

6. Mark the result obtained on the log sheets provided, against the date on which the test was taken.
Chloride test
1. Take a 50ml water sample in the container provided.
2. Add one chloride tablet and shake to disintegrate, sample will turn yellow if chlorides are present.
3. Repeat tablet addition, one at a time until the yellow colour changes to orange/brown.

Chloride ppm = (number of tablets used x 20) -20
For example:
lf 3 tablets are used then chloride ppm = (3 x 20) -20 = 40 ppm.

4. Mark the result obtained on the log sheets provided, against the date on which the test was taken. 
pH test
1. Dip one of the test strips into the water sample so that the colour zone is completely immersed.
2. Compare the colour obtained with the reference, and read off the printed pH value.
3. Mark the result obtained on the log sheet provided, against the date on which the test was taken.

Standard replacement reagents are available from your Unitor Representative.

Nitrite No. 1 tablets 661 555623
Nitrite No. 2 tablets 661 555631
Chloride tablets 661 555656
pH papers (6.5.10) 661 555698
Cooling water log sheet 309 089 808082
Plastic sample container 661 555714
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